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Star Conflict - Deluxe ships №3 Bundle
This bundle includes
Star Conflict - Protazan (Deluxe Edition)
Long-range Jericho frigate “Protazan” Rank 16;
Unique weapon “Thermo-launcher TL-5”;
Special combat module “Redirection of energy flows”;
Special bonus for everyone who buys the bundle — Premium license for 90 days!
Additional bonuses!
Star Conflict - Joker (Deluxe Edition)
Enhanced modification of the rank 15 ship “Joker”
Weapon “Plasmer 17” - can be installed only on the “Joker” ship
Active module “Thermal repulsor 17” - can be installed only on the “Joker” ship
Special bonus for everyone who buys the bundle — Premium license for 90 days!