Additionally, the player gets:
- “Scout vehicle” structural parts;
- A set unique stickers;
- Increases the maximum number of parts used to 60.
- Personal file No. 12850
- Title: Senior Lieutenant
- Operation call sign: Charlie-7
- Specialization: long-range surveillance
- Due for military service in 2047.
According to the latest assessment, Charlie-7 showed high stress resistance and speed of decision-making. There is a willingness to sacrifice oneself if debt so requires. Analyzes and structures the information obtained during the missions well. Shows initiative, has high rates of live prisoner capture.
Recommended for assignment to Operation “Return”.
The unique armoured cars presented in packs are known for their particular balance of weapons, armour and speed characteristics in combat.
When you purchase this pack, the number of parts that can be used to build a vehicle increases. Attention! Storage overflow is possible under certain conditions.
Buying the pack also gives early access to some factional structural parts. These parts become available immediately upon purchase and are not handed out again upon reaching the appropriate reputation level. Some parts are one-of-a-kind, and players can only own one copy of such parts. When simultaneously buying a standard and deluxe pack the constructional parts and portraits are not duplicated.
Unique portraits are an excellent opportunity to stand out among survivors.
Paint cans are a way to make your armoured car unlike the others.
Coins — is the in-game currency, which is used on the market to purchase armoured car parts from other survivors and to pay for the rent of part-building workbenches. Attention! When buying multiple packs, the acquired coins stack!